Remove All Samsung MTK Bootloader Unlocked Logo Warning
Remove All Samsung MTK Bootloader Unlocked Logo Warning Without Any Tool 100% Tested Solution By[]
Samsung MTK Bootloader Unlocked Logo Warning
Bootloader Logo:
In the simplest terms, a bootloader is a piece of software that runs every time your phone starts up.
It tells the phone what programs to load in order to make your phone run.
The bootloader starts up the Android operating system when you turn on the phone.
This is a pretty important job, so it’s very important that nothing goes wrong with it.
That’s why phones keep their bootloaders stored in special stable memory
Alternatively, the bootloader can start up recovery mode. When a phone is in recovery,
it can execute large pieces of code that totally rewrite the Android operating system.
The bootloader is important because it loads both of these pieces of software.
Without a working bootloader, your phone is a useless brick.
Why Unlock Bootloader:
Samsung Mobile Bootloader Unlocked Required For Security Bypassing, For Example Rooting
If you Want Root Mobile For This Want First Unlock Bootloader ….
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SAMSUNG MTK Remove Logo Bootloader ADB Command Method:
Method 1 Bootloader warning
adb devices
adb shell ls -al /dev/block/by-name
adb shell
backupعمل باك اب للقطاع
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p35 of=/sdcard/up_param.img
التعديل على القطاعووضعه على
الذاكرة الداخلية للهاتف
restore استرجاع القطاع
dd if=/sdcard/up_param.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p35
Method 2 Bootloader warning:
Have you recently unlock your bootloader and want to remove Warning Bootloader
Unlock message that comes every time when your device is starting up?
Then not worry this article is for you. This tutorial gives you the detail view of
How to remove Warning Bootloader Unlocked message from your android devices.
Samsung MTK Bootloader Unlocked Logo Warning
What you need Your Device?
Terminal (termux APk recommended).
Magisk patched recvory (you just need root for one time).
Steps to follow to fix Bootloader Unlocked Warning issue :
Download the Param file and move it to download folder (internal storage).
Start terminal and gain root access using “su”.
Type / copy this command into the terminal –
dd if=/storage/emulated/0/Download/up_param.tar of=/dev/block/platform/13520000.ufs/by-name/up_param
Now simply reboot to recovery or system.
Mission accomplished.
Splash screens for other devices :
Galaxy Tab S6 lite
Galaxy A12
Galaxy A22
Galaxy Tab A7 Lite